Sunday, March 21, 2010

What do they called you?

I'm sitting down and wondering what to blog about, suddenly I was reading my past blogs and I had this idea when my friend Deb called me egg-roll (making faces). What do other people call you? What is your nickname? And what is the reason behind that nickname?

My first nickname is "Porkchop" hmmm yummy right! lol. I got Porkchop from one of my Ex. We knew each other way way back, when I was thin. Then when we got together I was getting a little chubby. lol yes, yes,yes, you know how it is when you're in relationship and so that's why she called my Porkchop. Ever since all my friends in California calls me Porkchop.

The second nickname is Egg-roll. Egg-roll is given by my teacher Stagl. Every time we do fundraiser for our club, I always make egg-rolls to sell. HMMMM it was good too. lol

so what's yours?

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